January 3, 2014

New Year, New Uh..

Okay, let's face it. Every year we say we're going to lose weight, write more letters, save more money, etc. Do we ever do it all? At least I know, I haven't. All over social media, people are proclaiming how great this year is going to be and how they're planning to change their lifestyles. I don't want to judge, but I am. Please stop telling everyone what you're planning to do and just do it. Am I right?

I've never been one to enjoy celebrating New Years. I've gone out maybe one time on New Years Eve, and living in NY, it's a nightmare to get home. Not to mention it was about 19 degrees out. So I spent this New Years at home watching movies, and enjoying the company of my family. I took this time to reflect on all the changes I've gone through in 2013. It was an emotional year to say the least. A lot of great things happened, and some things went horribly wrong but I learned from it. Hoping 2014 has some great lessons to teach!

With that said, I hope you all had a safe New Years. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2014!

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